Cargo Connections

116 London Road, Cowplain, Waterlooville, PO8 8HB, UNITED KINGDOM
Tel: + 44 2392 425204
Fax: + 44 2392 356281
Affiliate Category
Cargo Connections is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organisation offering a Restricted Representation policy, which means membership will only be offered to a limited number of freight forwarders who offer air, sea and road freight services in each country. Our goal is to provide independent forwarders access to a trusted, worldwide network of agents who can handle their shipments, whilst working professionally and safely under a strict Code of Conduct. Members are selected due to their excellent reputations within the industry and their accreditation by international authorities. They will also have passed our strict entry procedure. An annual Quality Control Survey and online Money Monitor system ensure continued high performance levels. Each company is required to be an active Member, prepared to reciprocate business and attend our Annual Assembly in order to develop business within the spirit of Cargo Connections.